Diversity and Equal Opportunities
Management Approach
Vonovia is explicitly committed to a plural society in which diversity is respected and applied in practice. We offer our employees a work environment in which appreciation, tolerance and respect are fundamental values and which is free from prejudice. Remuneration at Vonovia is based on performance-related and market-related factors and does not take the gender of the employee into account.
In the chapter Employee Key Figures, we report the ratio of men’s to women’s salaries at Vonovia. The gender pay gap, which results in women earning more, is due to the disproportionately large proportion of men in technical occupations and a more balanced gender split in the commercial occupations. 405-2
We employ people from all age groups and genders, various nationalities and cultures and with a whole range of educational backgrounds. We also employ people with varying levels of disability. Ensuring that all people are treated equally and their individuality is respected is an integral part of the way we operate. This allows us to benefit from the different perspectives and ways of thinking which result from our employees’ social, cultural and linguistic backgrounds in a respectful and open atmosphere. This means that for us, diversity is also a clear competitive advantage. Our employees come from 74 different countries – testimony to the diversity that we are committed to. This international workforce is also a good fit for the diversity among our customers and has a positive effect in our interactions with them.
There were no incidents of discrimination at Vonovia in 2019. 406-1
In 2013, we also signed the Diversity Charter and underscored our company’s commitment to diversity.
Employees by Gender and Age Group 102-8, 405-1
Employees by gender
Employees by age
Establishment in the Organization 103-2
The Recruitment & HR Marketing and Training & Human Capital Development departments are responsible for promoting diversity within the company.