Material Topics

In order to meet our responsibilities toward the environment and society, we focus our sustainability efforts on topics that are material and relevant to Vonovia. We analyze and update these topics based on developments in the European real estate markets, society and politics. We also include topics that we can influence with our business model.

Performing a Materiality Analysis

We identified and prioritized the topics that were material to our company and our business activities for the first time in preparing the 2015 sustainability report. A stakeholder survey was conducted at the beginning of 2017 to validate and amend these topics. Please refer to the 2016 Sustainability Report for a detailed description of the procedure. SR 2016, Performance of a Materiality Analysis to Validate the Content of the Report 102-48, 102-49

The evaluation of the topics was transferred to a materiality matrix, which showed that none of the topics were classified as irrelevant by the stakeholders. The topics raised by the stakeholders themselves were all topics that Vonovia already addresses. 102-46

We intend to perform another materiality analysis in 2020. The aim is to reflect the course taken until that point and give us the opportunity to include or reevaluate current developments and issues in our sustainability management.

Materiality Matrix 102-47

Materiality Matrix (graph)

Material Topics per Focus Areas 102-47, 103-1



Material for
















Material topic


Vonovia/ busi­ness pro­cesses




Supply chain


GRI topics














Sustainable corporate governance











Long-term growth








Economic performance


Management Approach
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Outlook for 2019
Management Approach
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Objectives, Measures and Indicators

Open dialogue with society








Public policy // Stakeholder engagement


Management Approach
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Objectives, Measures and Indicators

Compliance and anti-corruption








Anti-corruption // Human rights // Anti-competitive behavior // Environmental compliance // Socio-economic compliance // Marketing and labeling


Management Approach
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Management Approach
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Objectives, Measures and Indicators

Adjustments to reflect climate change








Economic performance


Management Approach
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Outlook for 2019
Management Approach
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Objectives, Measures and Indicators

Environmental standards in the supply chain








Procurement practices // Supplier environmental assessment


Management Approach
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Objectives, Measures and Indicators

Social and labor standards in the supply chain








Procurement practices // Supplier social assessment // Human rights


Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Management Approach
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Management Approach












Society and customers











Portfolio maintenance








Material topic – not covered by GRI


Management Approach
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Objectives, Measures and Indicators

Tenant health and safety








Customer health and safety


Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Management Approach
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Objectives, Measures and Indicators

Creation of homes








Local communities


Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Objectives, Measures and Indicators

Service quality and customer satisfaction








Stakeholder engagement


Management Approach
Objectives, Measures and Indicators

Neighborhood development








Indirect economic impact // Local communities


Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Management Approach
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Objectives, Measures and Indicators

Affordable rents








Indirect economic impact


Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Management Approach
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Objectives, Measures and Indicators

Corporate citizenship








Indirect economic impact


Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Management Approach
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Objectives, Measures and Indicators























Energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the portfolio








Energy // Emissions


Management Approach
Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Management Approach
Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks

Environmental protection in the portfolio








Biodiversity // Water // Effluents and waste


Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Management Approach
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Objectives, Measures and Indicators

Environmental protection in connection with renovation and new construction measures








Water // Effluents and waste


Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Management Approach
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Objectives, Measures and Indicators

Company environmental protection








Energy // Emissions // Water // Effluents and waste


Management Approach
Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Management Approach
Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks

Impact of transportation/logistics








Energy // Emissions


Management Approach
Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Management Approach
Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks























Training and education








Training and education


Management Approach
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Objectives, Measures and Indicators

Work–life balance








Employment // Occupational health and safety


Management Approach
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Outlook for 2019
Management Approach
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Management Approach
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Objectives, Measures and Indicators

Diversity and equal opportunities








Diversity and equal opportunity // Anti-discrimination/equal treatment


Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Management Approach
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Objectives, Measures and Indicators

Health management/occupational health and safety








Occupational Health and Safety


Management Approach
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Objectives, Measures and Indicators









Labor/management relations // Freedom of association and collective bargaining


Management Approach
Challenges, Opportunities and Risks
Objectives, Measures and Indicators
Outlook for 2019