The Company
As a residential real estate company, Vonovia plays a central part in society. Including the German BUWOG portfolio, we manage around 358,000 apartments (Dec. 31, 2018) in attractive cities and regions in Germany, and a portfolio of around 23,000 homes in Austria and approximately 14,000 in Sweden. Vonovia also holds a minority stake in a portfolio previously held by the French railway operator SNCF. Altogether, more than a million people are currently renting their homes from us. 102-1, 102-7
In order to meet the associated responsibilities, we thoroughly investigate the numerous issues that are important to our target groups. We communicate with our stakeholders through various channels and always align our targets with their needs.
This results in a business model that allows us to offer an efficiently managed property portfolio of affordable homes and modern housing-related services for a wide range of the population. We simultaneously guarantee our homes remain attractive through maintenance and modernization work, and take a holistic approach to developing the neighborhoods in which our properties are located.
Recently, implementing modern and innovative new construction concepts has gained in importance for us – particularly since the acquisition of the Austrian company BUWOG last year, which brought additional project development skills to the Group.
In addition to the rental and service business, we also want to use new ideas to set trends for the housing industry. We therefore contribute to society in various ways at a political, social and economic level – for instance, as an initiator of participative neighborhood development projects. 102-2, 102-4, 102-6
We have been listed since 2013. Our share has been traded in the DAX 30 index since 2015. We consider our share to be an attractive investment for those interested in a long-term investment with stable and reliable dividends.