Objectives, Measures and Indicators
The aim is to meet the mounting and constantly changing requirements of the working world at Vonovia, exploit synergy potential and find employees, who are a perfect fit for the positions on offer. Thus, gaining and retaining qualified employees is the most important HR management task. We confront this issue through targeted recruiting, training and education, health management and occupational safety measures as well as measures to improve the balance between career and family. These measures are described in detail in the following chapters.
In 2019, we aim to recruit approximately 900 new employees and will be implementing recruitment measures both internally and externally. Targeted training and education offers are an important factor for the success of our company in this regard. We also plan to refine our external image and to strengthen our employer brand. By conducting internal workshops with representatives from various professional target groups, we have determined what Vonovia embodies as an employer and why employees decide to work for our company. An employer promise and employer characteristics were derived from the results, and we have developed an employer branding concept that is gradually implemented through HR marketing measures since the end of 2018. We have decided to particularly highlight our company’s innovative ability, the importance of team work and workplace safety. The new career portal on Vonovia’s website also went live in 2018. Our online image will be further optimized, both technically and in terms of content, as will our company profiles on ratings portals such as Xing and kununu, in order to make more information available and to better target applicants. The employer branding concept is scheduled to be completely integrated in our work processes by 2019. After successful implementation of the concept, the issue of employer image will continue to accompany us in our day-to-day work and remain in focus, e.g., through the implementation of new recruiting methods.