Balancing Career and Family
Objectives, Measures and Indicators
We have been committed to promoting family life for years now, and allow our employees to strike a balance between work and family commitments by offering a range of tools designed to meet their specific needs. We have implemented measures at numerous locations throughout Germany. For instance, we work with a family services provider that supports our employees in the search for daycare for children or caregivers for family members.
Working time models and individual part-time agreements are important elements in our work to support an improved work-life balance. These also benefit our trainees, with options, for example, for part-time training or individual time plans for athletes and single parents.
Full-time and part-time employees
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Child Care
Vonovia works with the family services provider pme Familienservice. Their portfolio of services includes:
- Childcare offers, such as support in finding a daycare facility, plus help at short notice when daycare is unavailable and on public holidays,
- Day-long or week-long programs for children, and longer holiday trips.
Our employees in Bochum and Duisburg have access to parent–child offices. We are also expanding our cooperation with daycare centers – we have, for instance, begun working with a daycare center in Bochum.
We are certain that these measures to help employees balance their work and family commitments have a positive impact and that our employees actively enjoy them. An indication for this is the large amount of male employees who took parental leave in 2018 (66% of a total of 171 employees). 401-3
Caring for Family members
Some of our employees are caregivers for family members. We provide support for this difficult task and cooperate with pme:
- To arrange home-based and hospital care assistants and services
- To provide advice regarding financing care and senior-friendly living
- To arrange assisted living
We also provide information regarding legal issues such as living wills, powers of attorney and care directives. Our “Family and Work” program also offers psychosocial counseling in dealing with illness and providing care for family members.