Understanding the Needs, Wishes and Concerns
Seeing the big Picture
Pursuing what drives our stakeholders
“Are we on the right track? The best way to answer this question is to ask the people who know best – our employees, our customers, policymakers and also social institutions.”
Rolf Buch, CEO

“I want to do everything I can to help my daughter as she moves through life. I want her to feel safe and secure at home, and to learn at school the skills she’ll need to take the next step in life.”
Stefanie Lenz, single mother living in Berlin-Schönow
What we also understand from these statements:
- The time I spend with my child is valuable and important.
- I don’t want anything to stand in the way of a good education for my child.
- Also as a single parent, I want to offer my child quality of living.

“Bochum is an urban metropolis offering a successful mixture between city and home. More housing space, densification and more mobility within the districts – these are the challenges faced to become a place to be, place to work and place to live.”
Thomas Eiskirch, Mayor of Bochum
What we also understand from these statements:
- Developing a city is a challenging task.
- I need competent partners for my city.
- People want to be involved.

“After so many years in the working world, now is the time for us to focus on the things we enjoy: music, handicraft, travel. And we might well stumble upon a few new interests as well.”
Ulla and Klaus Becker, tenants in a new modular construction building located on Insterburger Strasse in Bochum-Hofstede
What we also understand from these statements:
- We now feel that we deserve an apartment that will suit our needs in the future, too.
- This is the place we want to stay and grow old. We want to have a reliable point of contact to deal with any matters that crop up within the building.

“The senior citizens are often waiting at the door for me when I arrive. A lot of them see me as a shoulder to cry on, no matter how big or small their worries. For some of them, I’ve even become something of a substitute daughter.”
Elke Wermelskirchen, support worker in the Johanniter organization service office in Berlin’s Ziekow district
What we also understand from these statements:
- I have a meaningful job that makes me and other people happy.
- The people here rely on support.
- I feel satisfied when I can find solutions that suit the individual.

“Whenever I’m sitting in the evening and think there is nothing I haven’t seen, the next day comes along and I’m confronted with a completely new situation. It’s not always easy, but I really enjoy it.”
Nora Woker, project manager and site officer for Vonovia in Dortmund-Westerfilde
What we also understand from these statements:
- Neighborhood management requires a considerable degree of commitment and creativity.
- A lot of problems can be resolved on site and, most importantly, through teamwork.
- The commitment shown by our employees is our most valuable asset.