Being there
each other

Our neighborhoods are home to a wide range of different social groups. We provide extensive support to make sure that everyone feels at home in their environment and promote active cooperation.
Many people from different cultures have moved to Germany over the past few years. Many of them find their first apartment in a Vonovia property. We are well prepared and on hand to support them. We help overcome language barriers by making documentation available in a range of languages. Our employees make sure that all of our new customers feel at home in their environment. Social contact within the neighborhood is an important aspect: We use tenant parties and other events to create opportunities for old and new neighbors to meet.
We also give young people an opportunity to get their first foot on the career ladder by joining Vonovia. Following the first few pilot projects with job centers and refugee organizations, we now work regularly with employment agencies and job centers to recruit refugees for our technical services, for example. We now receive a large number of applications from people with a refugee background. We see this as an opportunity, because cultural diversity enriches our company and allows us to gain an insight into a vast range of cultures, which in turn helps to foster understanding.
A decisive path in our company will take you through day-to-day life. We provide support in this area as well – generally via our regional on-site teams and often also by providing funding. In Bremen, for example, 26 young people from Bremen and Diyarbakir (Turkey) took part in the “Mach dich stark” project organized by the children’s and youth support charity St. Petri Kinder- und Jugendhilfe gGmbH. During the nine-day program, they looked at issues such as career entry, youth unemployment and access to education. They worked together to tackle the issues of language and communication and broadened their cultural and personal horizons in the process.

nationalities have their homes in our apartments. This diversity enriches day-to-day life in our neighborhoods.
„We have social responsibility as landlords. We aim to live up to this responsibility.“
& means
getting others on board