- The business model proves to still be robust.
- Vonovia reported stable business development in the first three months of 2021 despite the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
- Group FFO increased by 14.1% from € 335.5 million in the first quarter of 2020 to € 382.9 million in the first quarter of 2021. This development was driven largely by organic growth through investments and sales.
- Tenant services still available in full with no significant disruption of business operations.
- Continued focus on preventing social hardship.
Sustained Earnings
Group FFO
in € million
Maintenance, Modernization and New Construction
in € million
Organic Rent Growth
Organic Rent Growth
in %
Vacancy Rate
in %
Net Assets
in € million
Fair Value of the Real Estate Portfolio
Fair Value of the Real Estate Portfolio
in € million
Group FFO
Group FFO reflects the recurring earnings from the operating business. In addition to the adjusted EBITDA for the Rental, Value-add, Recurring Sales and Development segments, Group FFO allows for recurring current net interest expenses from non-derivative financial instruments as well as current income taxes. This key figure is not determined on the basis of any specific international reporting standard but is to be regarded as a supplement to other performance indicators determined in accordance with IFRS.