2 Business Combinations
Acquisition of Victoria Park
As of June 30, 2019, the final purchase price allocation using the anticipated acquisition method and the consideration granted is unchanged as against December 31, 2018. The measurement period for the first-time recognition of the merger with Victoria Park ended on June 30, 2019.
The call options granted to Deutsche Annington Acquisition during the original offer period were exercised on May 15, 2019. The call options include 10,235,198 class A shares and 14,264,946 class B shares, which corresponds to 10.0% of the total number of shares and 12.5% of the total voting rights in Victoria Park. The exercise price of the call options is the same as the price paid in the public takeover offer for the shares in Victoria Park. Vonovia therefore holds 91.4% of the share capital and 94.4% of all voting rights in Victoria Park.
As this resulted in Vonovia holding more than 90% of the voting rights, Vonovia asked the Board of Directors of Victoria Park to initiate a squeeze-out procedure for the acquisition of all remaining shares in Victoria Park in line with the Swedish Companies Act (sv. aktiebolagslagen (2005:551)). The Board of Directors then resolved to apply for Nasdaq Stockholm to delist Victoria Park’s ordinary shares of class A and class B. The last day of trading was June 18, 2019.
In addition, a resolution on the recall of all 1,032,047 preference shares was passed at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Victoria Park AB (publ), Malmo, Sweden held on June 19, 2019. This takes place pursuant to § 5.4 of the Articles of Association at a recall price of SEK 300 per share.